GitHub is one of the biggest software development communities on the Internet. Atom, in turn, is an open-source text editor that can be used as an IDE for a plethora of programming languages, and its capabilities can be extended enormously thanks to the community's continuous support.
Atom contains all the features you could ask for in a code editor, like syntax highlighting, language autodetection, a context autocomplete system, the possibility of using different panels and organizing your project into folders, snippets support, and a powerful search tool. It greatest capability, in any case, is its environment's modularity when it comes to installing packages that add more features. It should also be noted that it includes the Git version control system for publishing on the GitHub platform.
Atom is multiplatform (Windows, Linux, and Mac) and allows for cross-platform use on your projects. Its customization is its best asset: at the time of this writing, there are more than 2,000 packages and 600 themes. Given this tool's level of customization and the quantity of features it comes with, we're looking at one of the best development environments to be found today, with the incentive that it's more lightweight than other alternatives.
Nice program, is there a manual in German? And if not, too bad! Question: How can one change the language of the interface?